CDG Group, a leading IT solution and digital service provider was delighted that its electronic document control system model 4.0, under the name of “e-Saraban FlowSoft”, has been recorded in Thailand’s National Innovation Index in office category for 8 years. e-Saraban works as a web application and is the only authorized and listed software solution produced by Thai developers. Its advantages are the ability to support various types of database and to be used on Windows and Linux operations. It is targeted to help leading the government agencies and state-owned enterprises to become paperless offices – managing documents effectively by grouping them for later efficient searching which will save budget. The system also provides concise document security which serves as a protection for important documents. This will support government agencies to become a truly smart government. It was revealed that 33 government agencies are using this system and each year, an increase rate of 10 - 15% of documents will be submitted to the system by over 7,000 users.
Mr. Nart Liucharoen, Chief Executive Officer of CDG Group, exposed that CDG Group has been developing electronic document control system model 4.0 under the name of “e-Saraban FlowSoft.” This system is a web application that can support various types of database and can be used on Windows and Linux operations. It is currently the only authorized and listed software solution produced by Thai developers and has been recorded in National Innovation Index in office category, tested and certified by National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA), Ministry of Science and Technology and Bureau of the Budget, Office of the Prime Minister, lasting for 8 years. At present, there are 33 government organizations using this system and each year, an increase rate of 10 - 15% of documents will be submitted to the system by over 7,000 users.”
“As a Thailand’s leading IT solution and digital service provider, the company makes an effort to drive society with innovation, especially the one developed by Thais and is used in Thai organizations, working for Thai citizens. This can increase an added value to the particular products and service, making it priceless. e-Saraban FlowSoft will be another solution to help manage documents effectively and increase potential of internal working process, resulting in a better service for people in general. This is to escalate people-centered public service, driving our country to be value-based Thailand model 4.0 with technology and innovation and to help supporting the government organizations to become a stable and sustainable smart government.”
e-Saraban FlowSoft is an electronic document control system, created and developed by CDG System Company Limited under CDG Group, was recorded in Thailand’s National Innovation Index in additional issues in April 2018 and July 2018. It was developed by Thai developers to support government and private organizations’ abilities to effectively manage a vast government documents, leading those organizations to become paperless office. By collecting data using technology and grouping them for later efficient searching, it is also considered as one of the cost-saving tools in assisting an organization saving its financial budget. Moreover, it prevents the loss of government’s important documents with a trusted security system. For additional user’s guide, please visit
“CDG” will continue to improve our services and enhance our capability in delivering innovative and practical IT solutions that will support government organizations to connect and work with each other more effectively. We are doing business with good governance for leveling up citizens’ livings and enhancing the country’s capabilities with an advanced technology, giving Thai people to live happily in a better society.” Mr. Nart concluded.
About CDG Group
CDG Group --the leading one-stop IT solution service provider to government agencies, state enterprises, and private companies—has been operating businesses for over 50 years in leading IT solution services from consultant, system design, development, equipment sourcing, as well as hardware, software, and application installation in response to various requirements from clients. CDG Group also provides training services to clients’ personnel for prompt operations. CDG Group visions are providing the technology solutions that can be really implemented, uplifting quality of life and solving social problems in a creative way for better life and better living. For more information,