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CLOUDS at SeenSpace presents ONE NIGHT with “DJ ADMIN from AMSTERDAM

DJ Admin
“Live on Stage”
On Songkran Day 14th April, 2017

Hurled from Amsterdam to Bangkok,
DJ Admin gets ready to give the dance floor of Clouds at SeenSpace a blast
on the Songkran night of April 14th from 10.30pm to 1.30am!
DJ Admin  born in the south of the Netherlands as Pick Jansen,
the DJ has brought his mixture of different styles – House, Vocal House, Commercial House, and Mashup - to not only Dutch but also international clubs and festivals.
His motto ''Nil Volentibus Arduum'',
which means ''nothing is impossible for those who are willing'' has brought him
to perform in 23 countries like Japan, China, Dubai, Denmark, Sweden, Spain.
Get your energy high up and come spend this 'one night' with DJ Admin at Clouds! Doors open as early as 7.30pm.

Warm up DJ Paul Reed

Dress Code: Casual

A chic, modern venue with great cocktails and drinks, offering a vibrant experience of futuristic fun all in one fluid space with a “As High As Kite” theme.
Nautical themed comfort food bar & restaurant with a steam-punk feel.
Featuring quality DJs every night with indoor and outdoor area.

For reservations, call 02 185 2373.