The Federation of Thai Industries (FTI), in cooperation with the Asian Productivity Organization (APO) and the Thailand Productivity Institute (FTPI), is organizing “The 10th Eco-Products International Fair 2016 (EPIF 2016)” during 8-11 June 2016 at Bangkok International Trade and Exhibition Centre (BITEC), Bangkok. The objectives of the event are to showcase the potentials and quality of environmental friendly products in Thailand for both local and international traders and consumers and create awareness on the consumption of environmental friendly goods and services as well as promoting the Thai manufacturing sector stressing the environmental accountability and sustainability of development as shown by the production standard of this fair. The new innovation and environmental friendliness are among interesting highlights.
Mr. Yukio Yanase, Chairperson of Preparatory Committee of EPIF and Honorary Advisor, ORIX Corporation is introducing the back ground of EPIF, said that Eco-products International Fair (EPIF) 2016 is the timely event and offers perfect opportunity for Japanese companies to demonstrate their willingness to strengthen business partnerships with the business community in Thailand in pursuing the policies of the Thai government in the harmonization sustainable of environment and the national economy for the future generations.
Dr. Santhi Kanoktanaporn, Executive Director of Thailand Productivity Institute and APO Alternate Director for Thailand, stated that, the Ministry of Industry has put forward the policies in supporting environmental friendly products and services towards the nation’s economic and social sustainable development. At international level, the Ministry has for years worked closely with the Asian Productivity Organization (APO) through the liaise with Thailand Productivity Institute in enhancing productivity as well as green productivity.
“The 10th Eco-Products International Fair 2016 (EPIF 2016) remarks the threshold as an effort for Thailand and other countries in addressing changing environment and scarce natural resources for better livelihood concern. Business sectors in Thailand and abroad all pay greater attention to the environmental friendly products and services. In supporting the event, the Ministry of Industry and Thailand Productivity Institute integrally call on everyone to accompany this occasion with renewed social, economic, and environmental responsibilities toward sustainability for the future generations,” Dr. Santhi said.
Mr. Supant Mongkolsuthree, Chairman of the FTI, revealed that the both FTI and the Thailand Productivity Institute (FTPI) have realized the need to develop the production efficiency in line with the environmental rules and regulations and the concept of eco-products. For that matter, the FTI, in cooperation with the APO, decided to hold the EPIF 2016. The event has been well received full cooperation from the relevant agencies including APO, FTPI, Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, and Ministry of Energy which have made this event possible. At the event, the highlights include the show of innovation and technology of both products and services, the dissemination of research works and production technology, the business meeting and the symposium are lined up as well as the business matching and the special exhibition with features on the eco-award.
Inside the event, the areas and activities are under the theme of “24-hour Eco Life”. This concept is to show the simple way that in leading the daily life. The government agencies, the private sector, the general public, and those interested are invited to attend the event.
It is expected that every part of each sector would pay greater attention to the environmental friendly products which may affect the humankind in terms of quality of life, their economy and the environment in the future.

Mr. Sompong Tancharoenphol, Senior Vice Chairman of the FTI, said that the EPIF 2016 will be organized for the second time in Thailand. The highlights of the event cover will also the First Carbon Neutral Events, the Eco Kids Eco School, the delivery of the Eco Awards, and the Business Matching.