Mr. Noppasak Treeponchaisak, Managing Director of Top Charoen Optical, reveals information about the project: “The ‘Princess Sirindhorn’s Spectacles for the Elderly’ project is a collaborative effort of Top Charoen Optical and the Thai Red Cross Children Home in response to the royal intention of HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn to help improve the life quality of senior citizens aged over 45 years in remote areas who have eyesight problem. With the project, the elderly are expected to overcome the obstacles caused by eyesight problem, regain their ability to make a living and take better care of themselves. Under this royal benevolence, the elderly across the nation can benefit from the opportunity to have their eyes tested and spectacles made by teams of experts and modern equipment through the field work of Top Charoen Optical. Over 400 senior citizens will also have an opportunity to get the treatment for diseases showing visual symptoms and consultation on the right way to care for their eyesight. This activity is the reflection of HRH Princess Sirindhorn’s royal graciousness rendered who attend the project’s free-of-charge services to have their eyes tested and spectacles made, including those other senior citizens in all parts of the country.”
The eyesight problem resulted from excessively using the eyes to see while make a living has affected many senior citizens in remote areas province to face with visual challenges, some to the point that they cannot continue with their work. The province’s major income comes from agriculture and local handicrafts, such as silk-weaving, basketry, etc., thus, the project takes pride in helping these seniors by testing their eyesight and have their spectacles made with no cost. It is not only a way to preserve the local handicrafts, but also a support for better life quality, regaining the ability of the elderly to make a living be no burden to their family members.
Mr. Noppasak continues: “In order to roll out this royal benevolence "HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn's 60th Birthday Anniversary" to support the elderly for a better quality of life, the project has targeted to benefit senior citizens in all parts of the nation throughout add the five-year project period from 2015 – 20219. The support will be sent to selected senior citizens by the Department of Social Development and Welfare, who has joined hand to collaborate with each Provincial Office of Social Development and Human Security in the area.
For the elderly facing with certain eye problems that cannot be corrected with use of spectacles, such as cataract, pinguecula, and pterygium, the Thai Red Cross Children Home will facilitate transfer of the cases to Top Charoen Eye Center, which was established by Top Charoen Optical. Top Charoen Eye Center will provide treatment of 100 eyes per year at no cost to the elderly diagnosed with eye problem under this project.
Interested public members can participate in the charitable activities
of the ‘Princess Sirindhorn’s Spectacles for the Elderly’ project by
submitting their donation at all Top Charoen Optical shops and the Thai
Red Cross Children Home. The fund raised will be used for transportation
of the senior citizens who need to seek treatment at Top Charoen Eye
Center. For further information, please contact 02-612-4170 or log on to or "Fanpage ‘Princess Sirindhorn’s Spectacles for the Elderly’" .
(From left) Third M.R. Jiyakorn Sesavej, a member of the board of the Thai Red Cross Children's Home. Fourth Mr. Noppasak Treeponchaisak, Managing Director of Top Charoen Optical.