- (Location) Construct the Substation which is located in the Global MICE Complex
- (Gangnam district, the Central area of the Korean-wave)
- (Scale) The largest Underground Substation in Korea(Under 5 story & GFA 576㎡)
※ MICE : Meeting, Incentive
trip, Convention, Exhibition & Event
※ GFA : Gross floor area
Features※ GFA : Gross floor area
- Fully automated power system with IoT technology integration
- Safe Substation with hi-tech security & disaster prevention system
- Eco Substation with renewable energy & Energy Storage System

Specification and Application

- Constructed in Gangnam area(Old Headquarter site of KEPCO)
- We hope you attend our program(the substation tour program) in the exhibition such as SIEF, GEPT next year. (Date of completion : April 2017)