And expanding Super 4G coverage to all cities nationwide

July 12, 2016 – dtac
increases the bandwidth
of Super 4G on 1800 MHz to 20 MHz, which is the largest single carrier
bandwidth in Thailand, to support the growth of mobile Internet demand
and allow customers to use high-speed Internet on any 4G-enabled device,
not limited to high-end 4G smartphones. dtac
reiterates its commitment to deliver the best 4G experience and support all kinds of customer lifestyles.
Mr. Prathet Tankuranun, Chief Technology
Officer, Total Access Communication PLC or dtac said, “dtac increases the bandwidth of Super 4G on 1800 MHz to 20 MHz, making it the largest single-carrier bandwidth in Thailand. dtac
Super 4G network covers Bangkok and its vicinity and supports all
smartphones in the market, offering a high-performance, high-speed
Internet to support the soaring demand for high-speed Internet and
deliver the best user experience through online services, such as live
videos, movie and music streaming, HD contents, YouTube,
social media, and file downloads and uploads etc. dtac
4G subscribers currently average 3.5 GB of data usage per month, and
the subscriber base is expected to reach 6 million by the end of 2016.”
Moreover, dtac Super 4G on 15 MHz of bandwidth is expanded to all provinces nationwide and the other 5 MHz on the 2100
MHz spectrum allows dtac to dramatically improve efficiency and support the growing demand of 4G services. dtac
has introduced 4G innovations, such as 4G Calling | VoLTE (Voice over
LTE) and WiFi Calling or VoWiFi (Voice over WiFi). The VoLTE technology
transmission of HD voice calls over 4G data networks without having to
switch to 2G or 3G and back to 4G when the call is ended. dtac is the first operator in Thailand to launch VoWiFi, which allows making and receiving voice calls over any WiFi connection.
dtac subscribers now can use the VoWiFi service on supported devices, including iPhones, Samsung, and many other smartphones.