Keiichi Akasaki, CEO, of Shirayuki Co., Ltd. was proud to introduce the new innovative product to the Thai market with Premium beauty product “Shirayuki Collagen” from Japan launched in Thailand. Created exclusively for Thai consumers using concentrated Marine Collagen Peptide, dissolvable collagen powder in pomegranate flavor also features 8 other ingredients that benefit the skin, including concert from Ice Saranyu at Central World.
From Left
Marnfha Ornpapat, Avasada Pocmontri, Ticha Potchawan, MR. Keiichi Akasaki, Vee Marr, Nuchanat Raveesangsoon, Great Warintorn, Pui Pimonwan
About Shirayuki Collagen
Keichi Akasagi, CEO of Shirayuki, manufacturer and distributor of Shirayuki Collagen powder, also exports fish scale, which is mainly used to extract collagen, from Thailand to Japan. The trade equips him with extensive knowledge of ingredients to make collagen as well as the technology that later on prompted him to innovate and successfully create the new product – Shirayuki Collagen.
Keichi Akasagi says that, “I’ve researched and implemented projects involving food supplement for the last 10 years and I have travelled extensively between Thailand and Japan for the past 20 years. I was shocked to find that a lot of collagen supplements in the Thai smelled very fishy and had unusual amount of collagen, which could be dangerous to the consumers’ health. I consider Thailand my second home, and I want to bring the best collagen that has both “Quality” and “Authenticity” to the Thai consumers. The idea inspired me to create this product. The Japanese way to extracting collagen uses materials imported from all over the world. These materials have been treated and processed through advanced technology according to Japanese standard before exporting too many countries. You can be assured that our product is made from natural ingredients that are safe, carefully handpicked and treated with advanced, standardized technology from Japan to ensure the maximum benefits. And there is no typical odor of collage like many other brands. My hard work and research paid off.”
Shirayuki Collagen’s special qualities
- Contains concentrated collagen peptide along with 8 deeply nourishing agents for skin
- 8 deeply nourishing agents include Fructo-oligosaccharide, fiber, pomegranate extract, tomato extract, CoenzymeQ10, L-Carnitine, L Glutathione and Vitamin C
- It is sugar free and low calorie. The pleasant sweet and sour pomegranate flavor makes it easy to drink. The flavor is extracted from premium grade pomegranate from Persia
- Japanese-made collagen is high in quality. Extracted with Japanese innovative technology, collagen peptide from deep-sea ocean fish has the least fishy odor
- Lower in fat comparing to collagen extracted from land animals - The small molecules of collagen peptide make it easy for human body to absorb
About Keichi Akasagi, CEO of Shirayuki
Keichi Akasagi enthuses that, “The actually effectiveness of the product is the most important thing. I myself had sun burned skinned from golfing, as well as aging signs and black spots, all due to the climate of Thailand. The team and I developed Shirayuki Collagen in the early 2015 and I myself started drinking it. After only 5 days the fine lines and black spot were gone, and my face as well as my neck felt more supple, tighter and moisturized. I would like to like everyone, both men and women, to try for themselves. We developed this product to give you reliability, safety and sincerity as a gift for Thai consumers from us. And in the future we will continue to develop more products.”
Keichi Akasagi, 55, is the founder and CEO of Shirayuki Co., LTD. He was born in Fukuoka. He likes to golf and engage in social responsible campaigns, such as teaching golf to children in Japan and support underprivileged children in Thailand.
Keichi Akasagi has a degree in computer science and previously had a computer system maintenance company that required him to travel to many countries around the world. Keichi Akasagi fell in love with Thai climate and food, golfing scene as well as the people’s generosity. Since 1995, Keichi Akasagi visit Thailand once a month.
In 2011 Keichi Akasagi manufactured and distributed kaitin-kaitosan food supplement for Japanese market from crabmeat, called Kanikoubunshi (
In 2012, Keichi Akasagi started extracting collagen from fish scale in Thailand and exported it Japan. Using his expertise and know-how in food supplement and technology, Shirayuki Collagen was later successfully developed. In 2015 Shirayuki Collagen founded Shirayuki in both Thailand and Japan with 40 million baht in registered capital.
How to take Shirayuki Collagen:
Dissolve one pack with 80-85ml of water and drink daily. It is believed that the naturally produced collagen starts to drop when we are 20, and decreases significantly and rapidly when we are in our 40s. Once in our 60s, collagen in our body will drop to half of what we had in our 20s. Suggested dose for collagen supplement is 2,000 milligrams daily and 3,000 milligrams daily to benefit the skin and reduce aging signs.
Target groups
- Women, 25 years old and above
- A survey reveals that Shirayuki Collagen also visibly benefits those between 35-55
- Men
- Not recommended for pregnant women and breast-feeding mothers
Distribution channels and price
A box of 15 packs (8 grams) is priced at 1,350 baht. A promotion deal at 1,200 will be offered for 3 months.
A pack (8 grams) is now 69 baht, from original price of 90 baht
2. 7-Eleven nationwide and 7 Catalog (limited to some locations)
プレスリリース 【発表資料】 新開発、日本人がタイ人のため
高濃度マリンコラーゲンペプチドと 8 種の美容サポート成分を配合したコラーゲン商品
高濃度マリンコラーゲンペプチドと 8 種の美容サポート成分を配合したコラーゲン商品
2015 年 12 月よりインターネット(日本・タイ)とセブン-イレブン(タイ)にて新発売致します。
赤崎代表は「私は健康食品の研究と事業をして 10 年、日本とタイを行き来して 20 年になります。
現在、タイ国内で発売されている一部のコラーゲンは魚の生臭いにおいのするものや 1 回分のコラ
コラーゲンの素材は日本から。ザクロはペルシャ産。日本人プロデュース 100%!
高濃度マリンコラーゲンペプチド(from 日本)と 8 種の美容サポート成分を配合。
8 種の美容サポート成分として、フラクトオリゴ糖、食物繊維、ザクロエキス、トマトエキス、コ
エンザイム Q10、L カルニチン、L グルタチオン、ビタミン C が入っています。
日差しの強いタイでシワやシミがすごく増えました。2015 年始めに私の開発チームと研究していた
「しらゆきコラーゲン」が完成し、毎日飲み続けたところ、5 日目くらいにシワやシミが薄くなっ
赤﨑啓一(55 才)Keiichi Akasaki、しらゆきコラーゲン創業者、株式会社しらゆき代表取締役、福
世界中を旅した中で、タイの人の優しさ、タイ料理、ゴルフのできる気候に魅力を感じ、1995 年よ
2011 年、日本国内にてキチンキトサンの健康食品を製造・販売。この商品は日本国内で水揚げされ
2012 年、タイにてコラーゲンの原料である魚の鱗を精製し、日本のコラーゲン会社に輸出。
て、2015 年、しらゆきを日本とタイに設立。株式会社しらゆき(タイランド)投資資金 40,000,000
日時:2015 年 12 月 15 日(火)
住所:999/9 Rama I Rd
時間:10 時 30 分〜22 時。 メインイベント:17 時〜20 時 30 分。
招待状受付時間 17 時〜
赤﨑代表インタビュー:16 時〜17 時
MC : ปุ้ย พิมลวรรณ(プイ・ピモンワン)
しらゆきコラーゲンプレゼンター:ทิชา-พชรวรรณ (ティチャー・パチャラワン/G-Twenty)
ゲスト・トークショー:เกรซ วรินทร์ธร (グレート・ワリントーン)
ゲスト・ミニコンサート:ไอซ์ ศรัณยู(アイス・サランユー)
しらゆきコラーゲンの商品発売は会場にて 10 時半〜デパート閉店時間までより行っております。
こちらの新商品発売記念イベントにて赤﨑啓一代表取締役のインタビューを 15 時より受け付けま
1,購入者を対象に iPhone6s(64GB)が抽選で 4 名様に当たるラッキドロー。
2,購入者を対象に Degital Moisture Monitor for Skin が抽選で 7 名様に当たるラッキドロー。
3,来場者様対象に、しらゆきオリジナルポロシャツが 100 名様に当たるゲーム大会。
4,来場者様対象に、しらゆきオリジナル・シェーカーとしらゆきコラーゲン 2 本がセットで 200
5,テスト試飲(約 30ml)無料
FOR VIP・・・「しらゆきギフトセット」と抹茶コラーゲンフラッペをご提供致します。
2015 年 12 月初旬より タイ全国にて WEB サイトにて発売。セブンイレブンは 12 月 17 日より発売
しらゆきコラーゲン(パウダータイプ)を 80−85ml の飲料水に溶かしてお召し上がり下さい。
20 代後半以上の女性対象。
しらゆきコラーゲンの自社アンケート結果では 30 代後半〜50 代前半の方に効き目や実感が多く見
1,しらゆき WEB サイト販売価格
1 包 8g・15 本入り箱タイプ 通常価格 1,350 バーツのところ 3 ヶ月間 1,200 バーツ
しらゆき WEB サイト(タイ語・日本語・英語)
1 包 8g・1 本箱タイプ 通常価格 90 バーツのところセブン-イレブン価格 69 バーツ