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“BuilderXpo’16” the Premier International Trade Show for Building & Construction Technology in Thailand organized by ‘Builder’ magazine and overseas partners joined in IndoBuildTech’16, Indonesia’s Largest Building & Interior Exposition took place on May 25 – 29, 2016 at Jakarta, Indonesia to introduce BuilderXpo 2016 with more than 570 entrepreneurs and exhibitors and  30,000 visitors from around ASEAN region in this event. To pursue the prospect exhibitor for the show, BuilderXpo 2016 presenting under the concept “Build the Best” as the center of the finest products and services in construction and related services i.e. designs, contractor, project consultant etc. with high standards and reliability from worldwide entrepreneurs with friendly-price. The expo put on to this opportunity to get a good feedback to participate the event. BuilderXpo’16 is taking place during September 8-10, 2016 at EH 106, BITEC, Bangkok, Thailand. For more information please visit our website at www.BuilderXpo.com , Line ID : @BuilderNews